Welcome to Pear Tree Music!
Whether you are a first time visitor or a longtime friend, I hope that you will be encouraged in faith and life through heartfelt worship of the Triune God.
For all of life is worship. As worshipping creatures, we will either worship the true God or false gods. The purpose of Pear Tree Music is to encourage all people to "Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only." (Matthew 4:10-11)
Pear Tree Music is rooted in one thing: rigorously biblical theology set to creative and soul-stirring melodies. In addition to entirely new songs, I often write updated melodies to showcase the rich truths of classic hymns. Through joyful worship, we communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a desperate, longing world.

May 2018
The new songbook is now available!
Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs
Pear Tree Music
$20 plus $4 shipping